
Paul Martin


Helping To Keep Local Music Live !

gig list below

Paul Martin...
is another of those exceptional local artists !

And his musical-life-story so far, only goes to reinforce the old adage that 'practice CAN make perfect' !

So, struggling musicians, please take encouragement from what Paul has to say...

At the age of just 7 years, I started playing the trumpet, and passed a few grade exams, but then I got introduced to the acoustic guitar at 11 years old...

I Instantly found that I could work things out for myself on the guitar, a lot better than on the trumpet, and since then I am totally self taught.

I got my first electric guitar outfit a couple of years later and proceeded to annoy the neighbours by playing in the shed at full volume - I'd already been banned from playing in the house unless it was on the acoustic.

Years of practice later...
I finally honed my playing so that the neighbours would look forwards to sitting out in their gardens to listen to me play !

Eventually, I started playing in bands in the late 80's, mainly concentrating on rock and blues with acts such as "The Armadillos", "Top Bunk Blues Band", "Dreddin The Weddin" and then totally sideswiped everyone who knows me by joining an 80's electric pop band called "Back To Back" which developed into "Heaven Sent" - a very successful and well known showband which toured relentlessly across England and Wales throughout the early 90's. (Reunion gigs hopefully in the near future)

Another long standing association was with the superb rockabilly band "Built For Speed", later known as "The Rednex", which, after I joined them, was described as "the Stray Cats meets Rory Gallagher". 

During the same era I was also seen performing the odd song or ten with Derek Holt (Climax Blues Band)...

(ed' note: If you don't know CBB, go and get their back catalogue, they're a successful local band from the 60s... and I really must do a 'Local Legends' page for them ASAP.)

And recently...
I've been going out as a solo act performing classic rock music by artists such as Thin Lizzy, Gary Moore, Deep Purple...

(ed' note: Local legend Glenn Hughes was a one time member of Deep Purple !)

...Pink Floyd etc, and also re-exploring the acoustic guitar with various players, most notably Keith Thompson (Urban Stew).

In 2000: I co-founded a local music festival...
At the Wicket Inn, Lea Heath, now known as WicketStock, and it's normally held in July each year, and it features a wide variety of acts. So it's well worth a visit.

And more recently...
I've been putting a lot of time and effort into supporting local jam nights with Dave Edwards, a lifelong friend of mine, and between us we are hoping to bring local musicians together and put on some great evenings of music in the local area...

Much More Support is Needed!
Paul and Dave would like to thank everyone who have supported them in their endeavours to establish an Electric-Open-Mic in the area. 

But in order to build and sustain regular Electric-Jam-Sessions, much more support is required from musicians and audience alike...

The Tackeroo, at Brindley Heath, near Hednesford, is already a well know and popular venue for all kinds of music in the area, and is an ideal venue for an Electric-Open-Mic.

So please contact Paul or Dave, if your able and willing to support an OM at the Tackeroo, or some other venue in the general area.

And don't forget we need plenty of audience members too.'

WOW, what a history !

You can contact Paul, via...
e-mail at: pm66email-glm@yahoo.co.uk
Or Mobile on: 07754 525700

Paul's forthcoming Gigs:



15th August, (Friday) 2008, 9:00pm, - Tap & Spile, Peel Terrace, 
Stafford, Staffordshire, ST16 3HE.
Tel: 01785 223563
24th August, (Sunday) 2008, 8.30pm,  (Bank Holiday weekend), 
Wicket Inn, Lea Road, Admaston, Lea Heath, Nr Rugeley, Staffs, WS15 3NS 
Tel: 01889 500277
map 1   map 2

Reviews of Paul's Previous Gigs:  

If you've seen Paul play live ~ please let us know your thoughts !


Wow what a performer...
I saw Paul play recently at the Wicket Inn, Nr Rugeley.

How can one guy make so much great noise, he's amazing, 
I can't wait to see him play again, what a great night. 


Why don't you go and see Paul perform LIVE ?   Then let us know what you think !

Please let everyone know that you heard it here first on Great Local Music

Do You Have More Info or Memories ?


